The Tonga Fellowship
Burns Memorial United Methodist Church
The Ghana Wesley Fellowship
10:30 AM. Sunday, October 7th 2012
Lighting of the Candles Acolytes
Prelude "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" Peggy Blocker
J. S. Bach
Opening Hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
Opening Prayer Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 Pastor, Will Morris
Introduction of Song: Music Director: Don Boylls
Song: "In Time of Holy Communion" Burns Chancel Choir
Arranged by Ed Lojeski
The Lord's Prayer Pastor, Will Morris
Introduction of Song and Choir Samuel Botchway
Song: Ghana Wesley Choir
The Lord's Prayer in Akan Samuel Botchway
Introduction of Song and Choir Antonio Totulo'u
Song: Tonga Fellowship Choir
The Lord's Prayer in Tongan Pastor, Pelaki Lokotui
Celebration of Holy Communion Page 9, United Methodist Hymnal
Closing Hymn: "How Firm a Foundation" United Methodist Hymnal #529
Closing Prayer: Pastor, Will Morris
Postlude: "The Church is One Foundation" Organist, Peggy Blocker
- Samuel S. Wesley -
Full Service in single mp3 file
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