Pentecost Sunday Worship Service
May 27th, 2012, 10:30 a.m.

Burns Memorial United Methodist Church,
The Tonga Fellowship
and The Ghana Wesley United Methodist Fellowship

Welcome and Announcements                                                             Pastor, Will Morris

Prelude                                    O Spirit of the Living God          Organist, Peggy Blocker
-Tradiional English Melody   
Lighting of the Candles                                                                                        Acolytes

Hymn                             Breathe on Me, Breath of God    United Methodist Hymnal 420

Scripture Reading        John 16:4b-15 & Acts 2:1-21                          Pastor, Will Morris

Community Prayer                                                                              Pastor, Will Morris

Introduction of Song and Choir                                                                       Don Boylls

Song                                    "Battle Hymn of the Republic"             Burns Chancel Choir
-Peter J. Wihousky   

Introduction of Song and Choir                                                               Ngalu Kelemeni

Song                                                     "Tukulolo"                     Tonga Fellowship Choir

Action Song                                                                                                Tongan Youth

Pentecost Prayer                                                                              Pastor Pelaki Lokotui

Introduction of Song and Choir                                                             Samuel Botchway

Song                  "They That Wait Upon the Lord"         Ghana Wesley Fellowship Choir

Pentecost Prayer                                                                                    Samuel Botchway

Celebration of Holy Communion                                     p. 7, United Methodist Hymnal

(Come to the altar steps by walking up the center aisle,
receive the bread and juice, and then return using the side aisles.
Ushers will be waiting with collection plates at the sides
of the church to accept your monetary donations.)

Communion Music Medley                                                             Pianist, Peggy Blocker

Closing Communion Prayer                                                                  Pastor, Will Morris

Closing Hymn                            "America the Beautiful"  United Methodist Hymnal #696

Closing Prayer                                                                                        Pastor Will Morris

Postlude/Interpretive Dance                                                Josephine Agyen, Burns Youth

[Please remain seated during the Postlude.]

All Files above streamed together in one file
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